Developer Success Story: Depressed to Success
Robert, 31 years old , has been working as a software developer for 10 years, but he has been feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and depressed and frustrated.
Today, I came to share with you the story of Robert.
Robert, 31 years old , has been working as a software developer for 10 years, but he has been feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and depressed and frustrated.
Then he discovered Naval Ravikant and he changed his life forever. Here are 20 teachings from the wisest person of this century (that will change your life too as a programmer ):
Robert :
“ Thanks to Naval's wisdom— I turned my life around. Now I Make 7 Figures a Year in SaaS Sales”
Here are the 20 teachings that changed his life:
1- Desire Is Your Enemy
Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want. It’s a bottomless pit meant to keep you enslaved.
2- To lead a happy life
you must detach from your desires. The man who isn’t content with little won’t be content with more.
3- Say No
$ sudo apt-get install Big-No
Time is life's currency. That’s why you must guard it like your most precious asset. The best way to do that is by saying ‘No’ more often than you say ‘Yes’. If you don’t, you’ll always be over-committing.
say no to :
excessive overtime
impossible deadlines
unsolvable requirements
unclear requirements
unreasonable requirements
4- Never Stop Learning
When you stop learning, you stop earning.
That’s why you must develop an appetite for reading.
If you get in the habit of learning from programming books, your learning rate becomes faster by default.
5- Escape The Competition Through Authenticity
Lean into what makes you different.
As we progress into 2024, the landscape of technology continues to shift, making it crucial for Programmers to cultivate a blend of technical prowess, problem-solving abilities, and soft skills
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. ― Rick Cook
6- Play The Long Game
All greatness comes from compound interest.
Instead of switching jobs frequently, pick an industry where you can play long-term games with long-term people .
When you earn their trust over decades, these relationships will compound.
7- Use New Leverage
There are only two types of leverage that let you scale without marginal costs: Code and Media.
You know how to code but media lets you get attention.
If you want to be wealthy in the modern age, you must master media too.
8- Get Rich Slow
Get-rich-quick schemes are the fastest way to get poor.
Ignore them. They only profit the people running the schemes, not you.
Embrace Accountability Learn to take business risks under your name. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.
When things go wrong, you’ll get blamed. But when they go right, society will reward you with responsibility, equity, and leverage.
You Are The Next Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates
9- Seek Wealth, Not Money or Status
Status is your ranking in the social hierarchy. Money comes from giving value to society.
Neither is what you want. What you want are "assets that can earn while you sleep." Only wealth gives you that.
10- Choose The Right Partners
Never partner with cynics and pessimists.
Their beliefs are self-fulfilling failures.
Instead, align yourself with optimistic rationalists.
Have a few deep connections over many shallow ones.
11- Productize Yourself
The most successful programmers are those that are true reflections of their owners. Focus on what you naturally enjoy and are good at.
Then apply as much leverage as possible to scale.
Without personal interest, you won’t be able to do any of these.
12- Reject Most Advice
There’s no such thing as universal advice.
Most counsel is situational.
When asked, people only give advice that fits their situation—not yours.
That’s why it’s important to question everything.
Choose discernment over blind adherence.
13- Define Your Domain
Once you find your specific technology, always make time to invest in yourself.
It’s not enough to define your domain.
You must also conquer it.
Hone your skills until you’re the best in the world.
14- Supply At Scale
Innovation is not about code , is about value of buyer .
To succeed, you must figure out what society wants but doesn’t yet know how to get. The secret to wealth creation lies in providing that solution at scale.
see what Forbes say .
15- Work Hard On The Right Things
Not everything deserves your 100% output.
Work hard only on important things that move the needle.
Sprint intensely when inspiration strikes.
Then rest to reflect. Work in sprints, not marathons.
16- Spend Time Making The Big Decisions
The three decisions you must get right if you want to be wealthy:
• Where you live
• Who you are with
• What you are doing
Getting these right automatically sets you up for a successful life.
17- Don’t Break Your Bad Habits
Abruptly cutting out your bad habits is the quickest way to relapse.
Instead of quitting cold turkey, find ways to substitute your vices with better choices. Don’t drop. Replace.
18- Learn To Be Happy
The biggest mistake developers make is deferring happiness to the future, instead of being happy now.
Happiness is a skill that can be trained. Choose it at every moment. Practice the art of joyful living.
19- Be Ruthless
Lastly, Naval advocates that the best way to predict the future is to create it.
If you want to know what the future holds, don't sit back and wait for life to happen. Instead, do the reverse and happen to life.
20- Taking action
increases your odds of success. That’s why you must be ruthless in creating the future that you want. Be the architect of your fate.
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